Fraternity and Sorority Life - Fraternity and Sorority Life (2024)

Fraternity and Sorority Life - Fraternity and Sorority Life (1)

Fraternity and Sorority Life

About Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternities and sororities provide unparalleled opportunities for leadership development, scholastic engagement and lifelong friendships and connections. Members of fraternities and sororities are outstanding models in the classroom, on the playing field and among other clubs and organizations on campus. Fraternity and sorority members are involved on campus as University Ambassadors, Division I athletes, Resident Assistants, Peer Mentors, Cam...

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One University Parkway High Point, NC 27268

(336) 841-9231


Mon-Fri from 8:00am — 5:00pm.


Madison Simmons

Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life


+1 336-841-9618

Timothy Robinson

Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life



Dalshawn Jones

Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life



  • Councils
  • Expansion
  • Recognition
  • Unrecognized Fraternities and Sororities

College Panhellenic Council (CPC)

Alpha Chi Omega;Alpha Gamma Delta;Kappa Delta;Phi Mu;Sigma Sigma Sigma;Zeta Tau Alpha

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.; Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

Beta Theta Pi; Delta Chi; Kappa Alpha Order; Pi Kappa Alpha; Pi Kappa Phi

High Point University recognizes that the expansion of social Greek-lettered organizations involves several parties including, but not limited to: the inter/national headquarters, High Point University, the Governing Council and student interest groups. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life has an outlined expansion process which is provided to National Headquarters upon request. High Point University is not currently open for extension in our College Panhellenic Council (CPC). High Point University is not currently open for expansion within our Interfraternity Council (IFC). High Point University is open for expansion within the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). Additionally, High Point University has hopes to establish a Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) within our community.

National organizations interested in expansion at High Point University must fill out an FSL Expansion Interest Form.

Recognition of fraternities and sororities is solely at the discretion of High Point University. Recognized Chapters can lose their recognition status by: receiving a sanction of suspension or dismissal through the student conduct process; violating local, state, and/ or national laws; revocation of their chapter charter from their inter/national headquarters. Fraternities/Sororities that lose recognition are expected to cease all activities and abide by all terms and conditions formally communicated to the organization by High Point University. No member of the High Point University community, nor any national or international fraternity or sorority, may solicit or recruit High Point University students to establish new or reestablish former fraternity/sorority organizations without the consent of the University. Members of the University community determined to be recruiting students for new/formerly recognized groups and/or continuing operations of such groups, are subject to sanctioning by the University up to and including suspension/expulsion.

An unrecognized fraternity or sorority is one that has lost their recognition from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. It can also be an organization that never received recognition to begin with. Unrecognized organizations are also known as “underground organizations” and they are not permitted to operate under any circ*mstances. Chapters that operate without recognition will be adjudicated under the Student Organization Code of Conduct. If a chapter has been closed either by their inter/national headquarters or by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the following requirements must be followed:

  • May not continue to operate under the name of the fraternity, sorority, or chapter nomenclature.
  • May not hold, sponsor, or attend events as an organization.
  • Will not be counted in the general makeup of the fraternity/sorority population at High Point University.
  • May not form housing groups using organizational or chapter nomenclature.
  • Underground pledging, new member education, or intake is strictly forbidden.
  • If the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the inter/national headquarters have a written agreement outlining a date of return for the organization to re-establish at High Point University, any violation (but not limited to) the requirements above will result in the return date being re-evaluated.

If there is indication that an unrecognized/underground organization is operating, the organization will be adjudicated through the Student Conduct process. Individuals who are participating in an unrecognized/underground organization will be suspended from the University.

  • Sorority Recruitment
  • Fraternity Recruitment
  • NPHC Intake
  • FAQs for Parents
  • Recruitment Registration will open on June 1st.
  • Saturday, August 17th – FSL Q&A Session
  • Thursday, August 22nd – Meet the Greeks
  • Sunday, August 25th – Mandatory Potential New Member Meeting
  • Friday, August 30th 6pm – Sisterhood Day 1
  • Saturday, August 31st 10am – Sisterhood Day 2
  • Sunday, September 1st 10am – Philanthropy Round
  • Friday, September 6th 6pm – Preference Round
  • Saturday, September 7th 1:30pm – Bid Day

For the most up to date information about Panhellenic recruitment, please utilize the Panhellenic Instagram @hpupanhellenic or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Instagram @hpu_fsl

Registration for Panhellenic recruitment will open on June 1st. Registration will close on August 28, 2024 at 5:00pm

There is a $100 non-refundable registration fee. This fee is payable only through credit card and paid through the registration website.

High Point University requires applicants to have a minimum 2.500 high school GPA or a minimum 2.500 cumulative college GPA to be eligible. If you have a current college GPA from High Point University or another college/university, high school GPAs will not be considered. Please note that organizations may have a higher GPA requirement for membership.

Students that are currently serving Disciplinary Probation through the Office of Community Standards will not be permitted to participate in any kind of membership recruitment.

If you have any questions, contact [emailprotected]. For the most up to date information about Panhellenic recruitment, please utilize the Panhellenic Instagram @hpupanhellenic or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Instagram @hpu_fsl

Register for Recruitment

Round One: Sisterhood

Date: August 30, 2024 and August 31, 2024

Time:Parties will begin at6:00pmon Friday and at10:00amon Saturday.You will be instructed as where to meet your Rho Gamma. Your Rho Gamma will provide you a schedule of your event times.

What to wear:Snappy Casual. Provided T-shirt, nice jeans, appropriate skirt/shorts, or pants, and comfortable shoes.

How the parties work:Parties take place over two days. You will attend 6 parties total, visiting each of the sorority houses. Each party will be 30 minutes long.

Round Two: Philanthropy

Date: September 1, 2024

Time:Parties will begin at10:00 am. You will be instructed as where to meet your Rho Gamma. Your Rho Gamma will provide you a schedule of your event times.

What to wear:A little dressier/business casual. Casual dress, nice blouse with pants or skirt, flats/dressy sandals/heels

How the parties work:You may attend up to 4 parties. Most will attend less than 4 parties; this is normal! Each party will be 40 minutes long.

Round Three: Preference

Date: September 6, 2024

Time:Parties will begin at6:00pm. You will be instructed as where to meet your Rho Gamma. Your Rho Gamma will provide you a schedule of your event times.

What to wear:This is a dressy day, co*cktail attire is appropriate. co*cktail dress, dressy blouse with pants or skirt, heels/flats

How the parties work:You may attend up to 2 parties. Each party is 50 minutes long. This is the final round before bids are distributed for membership.

Bid Day

Date: September 7, 2024

Time:2:00 pm – all day

What to wear:Jeans/Appropriate Shorts, Tank Top, Comfortable Shoes!

How Bid Day works:Everyone will gather together in the Kushner Banquet Hall (Cottrell 119). You will receive your Bid Card from your Rho Gamma, and will meet with a member of the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff before running home to your sorority! You will then spend the rest of the day getting to know your new sisters!

Cost:Joining a fraternity or sorority is a financial commitment. There is a cost to register for recruitment as well as costs to the chapter immediately upon joining. You can expect to pay dues in the amount of $800- $1200 per year for the duration of your college career.

Academics:Fraternities and sororities have high academic standards. High Point University requires applicants to have a minimum 2.500 high school GPA or a 2.500 cumulative college GPA to be eligible. If you have a current college GPA from High Point or another institution, high school GPAs will not be considered. Potential new members are advised that each chapter can have a higher GPA requirement for their new members.

Commitment:Joining a fraternity or sorority is a large time commitment. You should be sure that you are able to commit to each aspect of the organization, including education, philanthropy, chapter events and social events. Fraternities and sororities aren’t like clubs, in that you can’t quit because you want to. You should read everything carefully that you are asked to sign!

Rules:Potential new members should review the Panhellenic Recruitment Rules that are applicable to them.

Letters of Recommendation: Letters of recommendation (aka “rec letters”) arenotrequired, but are welcomed. Each sorority has their own standards for recommendations. If you have sorority alumnae that want to write you a recommendation , please have them consult their sororities national website for procedures on writing letters of recommendation.

For the most up to date information about Panhellenic recruitment, please visit our Instagram @hpupanhellenic. If you have any questions please contact[emailprotected].

Please view the the Panhellenic Recruitment Guide for additional information.

  • Recruitment Registration will open on June 1st.
  • Saturday, August 17th 3:30pm Callicutt Life Skills Theater – FSL Q&A Session
  • Thursday, August 22nd 6:00pm Slane Track – Meet the Greeks
  • Friday, August 30th 6:00pm Intramural Field – IFC BBQ
  • Sunday, September 1st 6:30pm Webb 103 – PNM Meeting
  • Monday, September 2nd 6:30pm Webb 103 – Round Robin Night
  • Tuesday, September 3rd 6:30pm Webb 103 – PNM Choice Night
  • Wednesday, September 4th 6:30pm Webb 103 – Invite Back Night
  • Thursday, September 5th 6:00pm Phillips 120 – Off-Campus Night
  • Saturday, September 7th 12pm Cottrell 119 – Bid Day

For the most up to date information about IFC recruitment, please utilize the IFC Instagram @hpu_ifc or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Instagram @hpu_fsl

Registration for IFC recruitment will open on June 1st. Registration will close on September 1, 2024 at 5:00pm.

There is a $45 non-refundable registration fee. This fee is payable only through credit card and paid through the registration website.

Applicants are required to have a 2.500 high school GPA or a minimum 2.500 cumulative college GPA to be eligible. No exceptions. If you have a current college GPA from High Point University or another college/university, high school GPAs will not be considered.

Students that are currently serving Disciplinary Probation through the Office of Community Standards will not be permitted to participate in any kind of membership recruitment.

If you have any questions, contact Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Madison Simmons at [emailprotected]. For the most up-to-date information about IFC recruitment, please utilize the IFC Instagram @hpu_ifc or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Instagram @hpu_fsl.

Register for Recruitment

IFC Pre-Rush Events:

  • FSL Q&A Panel, August 17, 2024, 3:30pm, Callicutt Life Skills Theater:Students who have questions about being in a fraternity or about recruitment are welcome to come and learn more.
  • Meet the Greeks, August 22, 2024, 6:00pm, Slane Student Center :Students will have the opportunity to meet all 18 of our Fraternity and Sorority Organizations.
  • IFC BBQ, August 30, 2024, 6:00pm, Intramural Fields:Come mingle with members of our fraternity community.

IFC Recruitment Week Schedule:

Check-In/Check-Out: Please plan to arrive at Webb Conference Center Room 103, approximately 15 minutes or earlier, prior to the start of each round to check in with the Interfraternity Council (This excludes Off-Campus night and Bid Day). You will be released to the chapter locations from Webb Conference Center (Building is located across the street from the intramural fields parking lot) . You will also check out with the Interfraternity Council at the end of each round in the Webb Conference Center lobby.

September 2nd: Round 1 (Round Robin Night)

Event Time: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Meeting Location: Greek Village

What to wear: Business Formal (Full Suit and Tie)

How the parties work: You are required to visit all of the chapters during this round. You will attend each fraternity location with a member from the IFC Executive Board (Stay with your group leader for the entirety of this round). Each round will be 25 minutes and you’ll have 5 minutes to rotate between each chapter house.

September 3rd: Round 2 (PNM Choice)

Event Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: Greek Village

What to wear: Kakis and polo

How the parties work: You will be free to visit any chapter(s) that you would like, for any amount of time, during this round. You will start in Webb 103 to check in with your IFC Executive Board leader. You will then be able to attend any fraternity location to continue meeting their members.

September 4th: Round 3 (Chapter Invite)

Event Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: Greek Village

What to wear: Kakis and polo

How the parties work: Party attendance is by invitation only, for any amount of time, during this round you can visit the chapters you were invited back to. You will start in Webb 103 to check in with your IFC Executive Board leader.

September 5th: Round4( Off-Campus Night)

Event Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm

Location: Phillips 120 & Off-Campus

What to wear: Casual

How the parties work: You will start in Phillips 120 to check in with your IFC Executive Board leader. You will then be able to attend an off-campus night location with any fraternity you have been invited back to, for any amount of time. Members of the fraternity are responsible for driving PNMs to their on or off campus venue, including another fraternity’s on or off-campus venue if you were invited back to more than one.

September 7th: Bid Day

Event Time: 12:00pm

Event Location: Cottrell 119 & Cottrell Amphitheater

What to wear: Casual (Chapters will provide a Bid Day T-Shirt)

If you have any questions, contact Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Madison Simmons.

Academics:Fraternities and sororities have high academic standards. To join an IFC Fraternity, applicants are required to have a 2.500 high school GPA or a minimum 2.500 cumulative college GPA to be eligible. No exceptions. If you have a current college GPA from High Point or another institution, high school GPAs will not be considered.

Cost:Joining a fraternity or sorority is a financial commitment. There is a cost to register for recruitment as well as costs to the chapter immediately upon joining. You can expect to pay dues in the amount of $500- $1,000 per semester for the duration of your college career.

Commitment:Joining a fraternity or sorority is a large time commitment. You should be sure that you are able to commit to each aspect of the organization, including education, philanthropy, chapter events, and social events. Fraternities and sororities aren’t like clubs, in that you can’t quit because you want to. You should read everything carefully that you are asked to sign!

For the most up-to-date information about IFC recruitment, please utilize the IFC Instagram @hpu_ifc

The High Point University National Pan-Hellenic Council is the governing body for 6 historically African-American fraternities and sororities on High Point University’s campus.


The NPHC organizations that we currently have on campus are the following:

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc.*

*Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. is a NALFO organization. LPC is recognized at HPU under the National Pan-Hellenic Council.


National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities and sororities, also known as the Divine Nine, conduct a separate membership intake process than Panhellenic Council sororities or Interfraternity Council fraternities. Chaptersare responsible forconducting their own membership intake.

Each organization determines if they will hold intake in either the Fall or Spring semesters. Some NPHC organizations hold informational meetings prior to intake beginning for the semester.

To prepare for intake we recommend the following:

  • Research the National Organizations website on membership requirements.
  • Focus on your grades, for most NPHC organizations you need at least one semester of grades prior to being eligible to join.
  • Attend Organization events prior to intake beginning, the more interest you show in the organization the better.
  • Connect with current members of the organization.
  • Follow NPHC Council@nphc_hpuand individual organizations on Instagram.
  • Research the monetary requirements to join an organization and the time-commitment associated with intake.

If at any time you have questions about the intake process, please email[emailprotected].

Being a member of a fraternity or sorority provides many opportunities that students might not otherwise have. Members have multiple leadership opportunities including the chance to serve on their chapter’s executive board, or to be part of our governing councils including Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, or National Pan-Hellenic Council.

Our organizations create a community within the larger campus and create life-long friendships throughout their college years. Fraternities and Sororities teach students many personable skills that cannot be learned in the classroom. It is not often that students have the opportunity to plan events, manage their own budget or learn how to recruit students without being Greek.

Additionally, all of our chapters have a service component, teaching members the importance of giving back to the community both in High Point and globally. They all have local and/or national philanthropy that they support throughout each academic year.

Lastly, Academics are an important part of the fraternity/sorority experience. Fraternity and sorority members at High Point University place high importance towards academics and many have their own incentives for encouraging members to continue to succeed academically. Check out or Fraternity and Sorority Life GPA Scorecards clickhere.

All of the chapters at High Point University are part of a national organization. These organizations are run on a national level, meaning they have national headquarters, national officers and policies. Chapters at High Point are responsible to the policies and procedures of their National Organizations as well as the University policies. The Fraternity and Sorority Life staff work in partnership with the National Organizations to ensure that our organizations are functioning on the highest level.

Recruitment Information:

High Point University practices open recruitment, meaning first year students may participate during their first semester for our Panhellenic Council and Interfraternity Council Organizations. The registration form goes live in June and students must register by the registration deadline.

The formal recruitment process happens over several days. Students attend formal recruitment events at the fraternity/sorority houses. Fraternities and sororities are private organizations and each chapter has the right to choose their membership based on their national organization standards. The University is not able to dictate to a chapter who they should accept into membership.

It is important to know that not everyone that participates in formal recruitment will join a chapter. This can be a difficult experience for our students, especially in the first few days after recruitment. The Fraternity and Sorority Life staff strives to help our students learn from this experience, specifically how to deal with disappointment. High Point University offers a variety of different clubs and organizations for our students to be involved in. While 33% of our students are Greek, 67% of our students are not.

Please visit ourrecruitment pagefor additional information.

Intake Information:

National Pan-Hellenic Council fraternities and sororities, also known as the Divine Nine, conduct a separate membership intake process than Panhellenic Council sororities or Interfraternity Council fraternities. Chaptersare responsible forconducting their own membership intake.

Each organization determines if they will hold intake in either the Fall or Spring semesters. Some NPHC organizations hold informational meetings prior to intake beginning for the semester.

To prepare for intake we recommend the following:

  • Research the National Organizations website on membership requirements.
  • Focus on your grades, for most NPHC organizations you need at least one semester of grades prior to being eligible to join.
  • Attend Organization events prior to intake beginning, the more interest you show in the organization the better.
  • Connect with current members of the organization.
  • Follow NPHC Council@nphc_hpuand individual organizations on Instagram.
  • Research the monetary requirements to join an organization and the time-commitment associated with intake.

If at any time you have questions about the formal recruitment process, please contact the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at 336-841-9618.

High Point has a zero tolerance policy for hazing. Hazing is contrary to the institutional values and goals of High Point University and is a criminal offense in the State of North Carolina and will not be tolerated. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life takes all reports of Hazing seriously and urges you to contact our office if these behaviors are occurring on campus. The more information provided, the greater opportunity our office has to stop this behavior. If you are concerned about hazing behavior, pleaseclick hereto submit a hazing concern report. You can also call the High Point University Hazing Hotline at 336-841-4699.

You can find additional information on hazinghere.

There is a cost (dues) associated with being a member of a fraternity/sorority. The first semester of joining a fraternity/sorority can be the most expensive with the average cost being around $800-$1,000. Fees associated with the first semester are generally initiation fees, insurance fees, and badge fees. Often there will be a fee due within days of joining the organization.

Cost of membership for each semester after can be $600-$1,000 a semester. This cost covers national dues, local dues and other privileges of membership. These dues are collected by the national organization and are not affiliated with university fees. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life does not have jurisdiction over organization fees, if you have questions about dues, we recommend your student discusses this with their individual chapter advisor.

Our IFC and Panhellenic organizations have houses on campus in Greek Village. These houses sleep 15 people and must be filled by the chapter membership. The chapter selects who is living in the house. In some cases, the chapters may have bylaws governing how housing is assigned. It is important that your student ask questions about their chapters policies for the house. Greek Village housing is Tier 3 housing and is considered priority housing. Once a student has been assigned to live in the house, they may not place themselves on housing wait lists.

Students need support throughout the process of recruitment/intake and new member education. Be supportive and learn as much as you can about fraternity and sorority life by asking questions of your student as he or she meets members in fraternities and sororities. We recommend the following:

  • Keep an open mind. Fraternity and sorority life is not for everyone. Just because you may have been a fraternity or sorority member doesn’t mean that it is the right choice for your student.
  • Let your student choose the group that he or she feels the most comfortable joining. Fraternities and sororities are different on every campus. Groups that may have been strong on the campus where you attended school may not have the same reputation at High Point University.
  • Talk to your student about dangerous behaviors that come with alcohol misuse. Reiterate that underage drinking is illegal and a violation of the Guide to campus life.
  • Have frank conversations with your son or daughter about activities that may occur in a group situation, such as hazing, that make them uncomfortable or put them or others at risk. Resources for hazing concerns can be foundhere.
  • Talk to your student beforehand about the financial obligation. Determine who will pay for what and where the limits are.
  • Know that the system of fraternity/sorority recruitment at High Point University is competitive. Not everyone who wants to be in a Fraternity or Sorority will receive a bid or the bid that they might want the most.
  • Do not become too involved in the sorority and fraternity recruitment/intake process, this is your student’s decision. If your student has questions, please direct them to a Fraternity and Sorority Life staff member. There will be plenty of activities and events for you to attend or even help plan once your student joins one of our organizations.
  • Keep the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life contact information on hand if you have any questions or concerns. We are always here to help!

Additional Resources:

The Sorority Life

National Pan-Hellenic Council

National Panhellenic Conference

The North American Interfraternity Conference


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Fraternity and Sorority Life - Fraternity and Sorority Life (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.