Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)

WEDNESDAY, JTJIY.H rat daut joubnal-gazettb and commebcial.8tab, mattoon. oitnoq rAGE eight OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern Mostly Short Words T)Dfl-I IT I ytAt Vnl 1 AAA If IMC J1CJ 1 YIFTH VOT CARP VtMPOK-lMAl HAS SfoPPBP tAP Wod TEUOVdS Aaplrk'SlfiH-P seeirio bus barkers must -fAKe m4 TOR A "IbliRlSi" WArr I sW VOU GPAdP SOOVWAR MA5MlFlQll wrvur -sr i msi an ii rtvm have crtteEfA OF PARIS Tor, I 11 I' 5 6 7 I t9 lid ii a a rr u-r 3ST IT" "mm" aTTar" mmm wmm "7 11 11 a L-i xi ba 1 u5 JT" ariaiTpF" as jT" 57" 38 mmmm a ird BAT SCHAlK CATCHES 'P: nVB BITLE8S 'GAMES New York, uly 34-Many player: put in years In the big leagues with out playing In a no-hlt contest; bu such games are no novelty for Rai Schalk, former White Box backstop and now coach with the Giant. -o; Schalk has caught five no-hlt game In his long career. He caught to games In which Reb Russell, Jim Scott: Joe Benz, Eddie Clcotta and ChaiUf Robinson didn't give the enemy single bingle. Roblnson'i was a perfect game, no a player reaching first base.

Scott dl not allow a hit for nine Innings, bu was beaten to the tenth. During the reign ot Augustus, Rome, there were 300 public bakeries which did much ot the work for prii vate homes. Till? TDD Tonight and Thursday Buffalo Bill Jr. IN "THE VALLEY OF HAUNTED MEN" Also Chapter 3 'The Final Reckoning and 2-Reel Western 450 r.O.B.DHb,flm kmw fnitki mi Mntry Immpm mtd ifmt far, txtw.) 1 NEW FORD ROADSTER IM A MAS BEGIN WORK ON MUSEUM AT CAHOKIA STATE PARK SprlngfleliJ, HI- July 24. Announcement was made by the State Department of Public Works and Buildings tt'at work began yesterday on a combined custodian quarters and museum at Cahokla State Park in Madison and St.

Clair counties. The contract for the work has been let to E. A. Crlppen of Chester, for $12,500. When the building Is complete, plans will be outlined by the state department for additional Improvements at the park.

WHERETO BUY IT The Daily Journal-Gazette is on tale at Bnrt-schi's News Stand, the Gazette Book and Stationery Rice News Stand, F. J. Ritter'a drug store, Ed F. Ritter's drug and Dodson-Ritter Drug Co. HYDE WOULD TURN POOR LAUD TO MBER Washington.

July 34. Diversion of unprofitable farm lands to timber growing tu advocated today by Secretary Hyde, who aald the proposal that the federal government purchase a amount of such land In regions where depression was -not acute has much to commend It as a humane and business-like measure. The secretary made this statement In response to a query from a Pennsylvania farm engineer. Pointing out that the government would be financially able to carry the Investment for a sufficient period to realize the greater value of the land for forestry purposes. Mr.

Hyde said some such plan might possibly be worked out on a scale sufficiently large to be of real consequence as a farm relief measure. Gays 8 4f Mrs. Merle Yorker of Windsor was a Oavs visitor Thursday. William Wiley, who has been 111 for some time, is Improving. Miss Helen Johnson of Windsor was a Oays visitor Wednesday.

8anford Mendenhall passed Thursday evening with friends In Charleston. Mrs. Carrie Bading and son of Atlanta, visited old friends here Frl-dav. Mrs. Mary Westjohn of Terre Haute passed the week-end with Mrs.

James Love. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Waggoner are improving their residence with a new porch. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Ash Orove were visitors In the village Saturday. Paul Smith and eon, Paul B. Smith, are visiting relatives and friends in Charleston. Mr.

and Mrs. Harve Louthan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8cott Lowmaster. Charles Wetherell and Dale Booze are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Wetherell in Weldon.i Mrs. C. O. Glassco*ck and daughter Charlotte visited Mrs.

C. V. Monson rrlday afternoon. Warren O. Begley passed last week with Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Abercromle of near Trowbridge. Mrs. Nancy Davis and Mrs. Qulncy Armantrout were dinner guests of Mrs.

Fannie Davis on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wallace of Decatur visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Wallace, over Sunday. J. W.

Brown and dauRhter and Sam Halcomb of Crenshaw, are visiting his sister. Miss Ida Brown. Mrs. Dora Wright and daughter Luetic and Mrs. Belle Perrlne visited friends in Decatur last Thursday.

Mrs. Sarah Cross and Mrs. Bess Braselton and son Everett of Champaign visited friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs.

William Hallrtt left Monday for their home in Shenandoah, Iowa, after a visit with relatives here and in Windsor. Mrs. Charles Southwell and daughter, Hannah Lou, arrived Wednesday AWAY AHEAD HORIZONTAL. Cry of a raven. To become exhausted.

Hall! Wing-part of a seed. Prior. Small tumor. To free. To get up.

Conjunction. Night before. To bring legal proceedings. To resret. Concise.

Velocity. Petty. Aqua. Pertaining to the poles. To Instigate.

On the affirmative 'side. Story. Cotton cleaning machine. To depart. Relationship.

Type of poem. A cannibal. To piece out. Mesh of lace. Center of an amphitheater.

To stitch. VERTICAL. Proof reader's mark. Opposite of dead. Heron.

Vegetable. Organs of hearing. from Mlama. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Waggoner left Sunday for Los Angeles, Calif. They will visit In Missouri and Kansas and will reach Ontarta.

In time for the weddlni? of their son John and Miss Lois Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Booze and Mrs. Charles Wetherell passed Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Wetherell in Wel-don. Mr. Wetherell and Dale Booze, who visited there for a week, returned home with, them." Mr. and Mrs.

W. O. Welch entertained at dinner Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Ashworth and Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.

Clarke of Mattoon, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kldwell of Springfield, Mr.

and Mrs. Scott Ashworth and daughters, Judith Anne and Pat-tie Jean, of Indianapolis. Some people think that where the Bible says "Seek and ye shall find," It means faults. Whoever wrote that line about "carriages without horses shall go and accidents fill the worltj with woe," ought to have a bust In the Hall of Fame. Chinese women are letting their feet grow naturally.

Maybe they aren't going to dance with the men any more. Stand on any corner a few minutes and you cant help but see what great strides forward pedestrians are taking. A new York iceman who-'recently made a record trip around the world doesn't know how to write. There, are still a few things to be thankful for. (Copyright, 1929, NEA Service, Inc.) Stewardson, 1157; Toledo, 366; Neoga, 217, and Jewett, 164.

Sunday was spent at Jennings Park In Neoga by these schools with a basket dinner. Miss Ruth Condtt returned to Osh-kosk. Sunday after parsing her vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cynthia Condit. Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Lipe of Taylor-vllle are occupying an apartment In the J. B. Lawrence residence during their stay in Neoga. Mr.

Lipe is employed by the C. I. P. S. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Inman and twin sons of Granville arrived here Wednesday from an extended motor trip throiigh the west.

They will visit Mrs. Inman's mother, Mrs. Ella Birch, for a week before returning home. A family picnic was held at Jennings' Park on Saturday evening by the Cla-baugh and Green families in honor of Mrs. Samuel Leine and daughter Let-tie and Mrs.

H. Clabaugh of Milwaukee. Wis. Those present were Mrs. Mary Clabaugh, Mrs.

Jennie Greene. Mr. and Mrs. P. L.

Clabaugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clabaugh and children, Mrs. Samuel Leine and daughter of New York City and Mrs.

H. Clabaugh of Milwaukee, Wis. Rev. R. C.

Calderwood of the Methodist Episcopal church is taking 'his annual vacation. Accompanied by Mrs. Calderwood, Miss Gladys Redman of Camargo and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldler and daughter Vivian, they left Sunday on an extended automobile trip.

They will go -via New York City Tonight One Day Ii' 7 "ptfofoS OOF VAR MAP! Oil to Waldoboro, where they will visit Mr. Calderwood's, parents for ten days. They will return by way of Niagara Falls and Cleveland, Ohio. A family reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and "Mrs.

William McManigell. Dinner was served at noon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ross McManigell and two children of Charleston, Mrs.

Frank Burton and two children of Detroit, William, McManigell of Charleston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McManigell and seven children of Danville, Ind Mr. and Mrs. Henry McManigell and two children of Detroit, and Mr.

and Mrs. Ellis Kepp. J-G Want Ada Act Now. IT'S BLINDING to work our electric arc welding torch without protection to the worker. Bui it's mighty eSiclent In welding steel and other hard metals, and It will save you many dollars, much time, and much worry.

Try our process. Emery Donley In Charge H. W. CLARK CO. End North 12th St, Phone DIALCCUE AMD sound trriCTS The kind of Ford service that saves you money COME in and let us tell you about the Special Inspection Service that will save you money in the operation and up-keep of your car.

Just small charge will be the means of giving you many more miles of pleasant, economical motoring. There's nothing like a periodic checking-up to keep your car running like new. Have it done when the car is oiled and greased. Miller Motor Car Company Broadway at list St Phones 51S-58T Coalition of three. 7.

Otherwise. 8. Cereal. 9. Conscious.

10. Place where a trial is held. 11. Concluded. 22.

Let It stand. 23. To make a mistake. 24. Tree fluid.

25. The plan of a story. 27. Cart. 28.

To sojourn. 29. Dogma. 31. Bodies of water.

32. Identical. 33. To replace. 35.

Fruit. 36. Kiln. 39. Field.

40. Eon. J) i 3 3 3) 3 3 a I Neoga i 9 S) 3) 59 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Owen of Alma passed the week-end with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. McKlnney. The Patriotic Association of Neoga will hold Its annual picnic on Friday, August 9. All are asked to take baskets of food.

Several Bible schools of the Chris-tlon church engaged In a friendly contest during May and June. Ash Grove led the contest by making 1271 points; ANSWER TO YESTERDAYS CROSSWORD r-UZZLE EAGMWUAILIAIS A April 1VS4 MOTOII MODUCT THEN FARTHER AHEAD TODAY 5- i. "Adherinq strictly to the soundest principles of design, Chrysler engineers have, nevertheless; developed and applied these principles in a manner just as revolutionary as the application of steam to ocean-gojng ships. We believe that the creation of the Chrysler accomplished an all-important evolution in motor cars no less valuable than the original invention of the automobile." Advertiiemtnt Saturday Evening Poit im 1 Only 20c and 40c Carl Laemmle prs nt A PICTUA1 mm WHY CHRYSLER CANT BE COPIED LAUDA LAFIAN mmM sure to see if" i i TheNew fi For five years the motor tar industry has striven unceasingly to emulate and overtake Chrysler yet all its best efforts and most persistent ambitions to that end have fallen far short of their goal. As time rolls on, it becomes more and more manifest that Chrysler performance tan' I bt copied that only Chrysler engineering and Chrysler manufacturing methods can produce Chrysler rtiulli.

Chrysler results are uncopiablc because Chrysler engineering is of an entirely new school of thought, because Chrysler ingenuity is free from the hindering and hampering influence of out-dated and hide-bound traditions. Chrysler results are uncopiablc, too, because Chrysler has the great manufacturing advantage of plant equipment as new and up-to-date as the Chrysler car itself. So Chrysler goes marching on, strengthening its leadership, maintaining a wida margin of superiority in performance-demonstrating a virile fleetncss, to eager spirit, an unwavering stamina and an unruffled smoothness other cars find impossible to equal or even approximate. CHR YSLER "7 y- 3 5 to 1 795-Eight Body Styles. Body Styles.

All prkn f. $. fsrtory. Chrjiltr dtmlm txttnd nnvnltnt thmi fmymntt a i HUATTY OORDON'JOHN BOLES -JANC WINTON Scandal has wrecked more lives than sin. Innocence has always paid tribute to scandal Tomorrow sophistication.

Comedy and Fables and Friday III with New Steeling CHRYSLER bnocic juunmator Matinee 10c and 26c; vUil Vi Night 20c and 40c VC; Al f3) CHITIlll SATTOMY" rxvAMta6Aw ILUAM COLUCAa. JOHKl rllUAN Turner Motor Sales Co. CHRYSLER SALES AND SERVICE STATION Telephone 420 Corner 14th St. and Broadwiy Mattoon, Illinoli Sound Cf few 1 Also Sound News and Vitaphone Act Ca Tkucks O. i 7 r': wM'im otApyy tAocKveu.

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.